Repentance+ Mod Wiki

Vault of Havoc is an activated collectible from the Repentance Plus mod.


  • On use, brings Isaac into a special room containing the 12 most recently killed enemies with at least 10 HP. If Isaac has not killed enough enemies, the item cannot be used. The kill counter is displayed near the item (similarly to Jar of Flies or Jar of Wisps).
  • There is a 10% (split evenly) chance that the item will lose either one pip of charge or two stored enemies on a room clear.
  • There is a total of 8 different unique Vault of Havoc room layouts, primarily filled with obstacles and/or extra pickups.
  • If all enemies in the room are defeated, a reward is granted based on the enemies' total HP:
    • Low: One full red heart, one soul heart and one golden heart.
    • Medium: A brown chest, a golden chest and a trinket.
    • High: A random collectible item.

